International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 2022

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*This event will be held in person (at Teagasc Ashtown) however log in details will be provided, on request, if you need to attend virtually.

This workshop aims to provide a broad overview of state of the art research in the framework of spectroscopy and chemometrics, covering relevant topics from applied, statistical and methodological points of view.

This second edition of the workshop will be mainly devoted to applications and statistical tools used in food and agriculture.

1. Masterclass (Day one)

The masterclass on day one aims to provide a broad overview of state of the art research in the framework of spectroscopy and chemometrics, covering relevant topics from applied, statistical and methodological points of view. This second edition of the masterclass will be mainly devoted to applications and statistical tools used in food science and agriculture.

2. Workshop (Day two- half day)

As in the previous year, the second day of the workshop invites interested participants (working on their own or in groups) to present their analysis strategies. A healthy, encouraging discussion around how groups worked with the data will follow.

In order to take part, please register to receive the dataset via the ticket option link or contact the co-ordinator directly, Elena Hayes (

Last year, the organiser published a paper as a result of this workshop entitled “Mid infrared spectroscopy and milk quality traits: A data analysis competition at the “International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 2021” which is published by Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.

*A small prize will be given for the best presentation*


The poster session will be held during the first day of the workshop. We ask all the participants to prepare a 3 minutes recorded video with the explanation of their work, and we will post the video on our social media and time permitting live on the day. You are free to decide how to record the video. Some suggestions can be to record a zoom call while you are sharing the screen with your poster, where both you and the poster are visible.

Please send the video to by the 19th of April.

You will have the chance to present the poster either live in-person or remotely online. We ask the speakers who will present in person to prepare an A0 vertical poster and attach the VistaMilk and Science Foundation Ireland logo.

For those who want to present the poster online, we will soon provide more information regarding the online platform we will use.

Data competition

The dataset and description will be made available to you via a WeTransfer link once you have registered for this option on the booking form.

During the second day of the workshop, on the 28th of April, the groups of researchers which provided the best contributions and predictions will be required to present their approach and their findings. The presentation will be 15 minutes long + 5 minutes for the questions.

There will be a prize for the group providing the best prediction!

Moreover, we are planning to have a follow-up after the workshop in order to work together on a collaborative paper, summarising the most interesting contributions to the competition. Last year the paper resulting from the workshop was published in the journal “Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems”.


– 22nd of April: deadline for the submission of your result. You will be required to send me an excel file with your prediction for the test data set and a word file (or a similar file type) with a short description of the methods you used for the analyses

– 5pm 25th of April: we will write to you to communicate if your submission has been included among the best ones and, therefore, if you are required to present your results on Day 2 of the workshop.

Please share this event with your network.


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