There are a variety of national funding streams that VistaMilk researchers can benefit from and use to expand their research portfolio. The VistaMilk External Funding Manager is there to help access these opportunities, and also to provide details and clarifications when needed.


US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme

Background: to promote collaborative and innovative research projects, between researchers and research institutions in the three countries; USA, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Funders: NIFA within USDA (USA); DEFRA (Northern Ireland); DAFM (Republic of Ireland)

Research Areas or Program Area Priorities:

Research Areas DAFM/DAERA Deadlines AFRI Deadlines
Animal Nutrition, Growth and Lactation (A1231) 14/07/2023 10/08/2023
Welfare and Well-Being of Agricultural Animals (A1251) 14/07/2023 10/08/2023
Diseases of Agricultural Animals (A1221) 14/07/2023 10/08/2023
Animal Breeding and Functional Annotation of Genomes (A1201) 14/07/2023 10/08/2023
Sustainable Bioeconomy through Biobased Products (A1414) 10/08/2023 07/09/2023
Soil Health (A1401) 17/08/2023 14/09/2023
Sustainable Agroecosystems: Health, Functions, Processes and Management (A1451) 17/08/2023 14/09/2023
Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems (A1112) 21/08/2023 21/09/2023
Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food Chain (A1366) 24/08/2023 21/09/2023
Biorefining and Biomanufacturing (A1531) 31/08/2023 28/09/2023
Agricultural Microbiomes in Plant Systems and Natural Resources (A1402) 07/09/2023 05/10/2023
Inter-Disciplinary Engagement in Animal Systems (IDEAS) (A1261) 07/09/2023 05/10/2023
Data Science for Food and Agriculture Systems (DSFAS) (A1541) 19/10/2023 16/11/2023


Who can Apply: Permanent Researchers

Duration: Up to 5 years.

Budget: DAFM funding up to €350,000 per project

Application Deadline: Provided in above table for each topic.

Application Guideline: download here

Click here for more details


ERA-NET ICRAD Joint Call-3 ‘Helminth infections and changing climate: tackling the challenges for animal health’ – Pre-Proposal submission deadline has Passed

Background: The ICRAD ERA-NET brings together animal health research funders, from 8 countries, to develop joint programmes of research and innovation to tackle major animal health priorities. The third transnational call will support cross-cutting research to improve animal health, and by consequence animal welfare. The call will focus on the impacts of helminth disease and climate change on livestock health, together with development of control strategies such as novel vaccine and diagnostic technologies. The overall objectives of this call is to increase understanding and preparedness for impending effects on animal health and the livestock industry caused by climate change and spread of anthelmintic resistance

Research Areas:

Detail information on Research Area can be found in Call Announcement (LINK)

  1. Research to improve understanding of anthelmintic resistance mechanisms, the impacts of anthelmintic resistance on livestock health, and development of tools to help diagnose, prevent, and manage it.
  2. Research to increase understanding of the impacts of climate change and vector borne diseases on animal health, including development of tools to prevent, prepare and respond to animal health emergencies triggered by climate change.
  3. Research to support the development of novel and improved vaccine and diagnostic tools and platforms will be supported, as will research to assess the utility and efficacy of existing technology platforms. Proposals with a focus on anthelmintic vaccines, or which include an industrial partner are strongly encouraged in this research area.

Research Areas Not in Scope of the Call:

  • Improving human health
  • Companion animals
  • Food-borne pathogens
  • Animal welfare
  • Environmental / climatic modelling
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Ectoparasites

Who can Apply: Permanent Researchers

Funder: Call will be funded by 22 funders from across 18 countries and 3 European regions. The funding partner in Ireland is DAFM

Budget: Total funding provided by DAFM for Irish applicants for this call is €600,000

Max funding available per project from DAFM is €300,000 per proposal

Duration: max 36 months

Important Dates: Two stage application process

Pre-Proposal submission – 15:00 CEST; 1st June 2023

Full proposal submission – 15:00 CEST; 4th December 2023

Call Document: download from here

Click here for more details

SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme

Background: larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.

Who can Apply Permanent Researchers

Budget: €500,000 – €1,000,000 (direct costs)

Call Document: View and download the call document here

Programme Stream: The Programme comprises two streams:

  Project Call (Closed) Award Call
Funding For high-risk, high-reward research that facilitates highly innovative and novel approaches to research larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.
Duration 2 – 4 years 4 – 5 years
Budget €200,000 – €600,000 (direct cost) €610,000 – €1.5M (direct cost)
Call Lunch December 2022 14th April 2023
Call Deadline Passed (14th April 2023) Open Rolling Call

Click here for more details

SFI Discover Programme – Opportunistic Funding Mechanism

Background: to support and develop STEM education and public engagement sector in Ireland by:

  • investing in, developing and extending activity and ability in this area, and
  • exploring and encouraging novel means of engaging the public

Who can Apply: Researchers

Duration: 1 year.

Application Deadline: Open, Rolling call

Application Stage: Expression of Interest & Full Application submission on invitation

Click here for more details

The SFI Public Service Fellowship is an initiative from SFI that offers researchers a unique opportunity to be temporarily seconded to Government Departments and Agencies (Host Organisations) to work on specific projects where they can add value resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes.

The 2023 SFI Public Service Fellowship call is partnering with 18 Government Departments and Agencies, with 42 projects (requiring both STEM and non-STEM expertise) available for application.

Who can apply?
Depending on the individual scope, projects will require the expertise of researchers working in a relevant STEM or STEM-related area, or will require the expertise and skills of AHSS researchers to be applied to projects underpinning STEM policy, innovation, legislation etc.

Full details on programme eligibility are available in Public Service Fellowship Call Document 2023. In summary, applications will be accepted where the Applicant satisfies the following eligibility criteria:

PhD Qualification: Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent qualification at the time of application.
Employment Status: All applicants must be a permanent member of the academic staff (“Faculty Researcher”) of an Eligible Research Body (with a contract at the time of application), or a current contract postdoctoral researcher (“Postdoctoral Researcher”) based in an Eligible Research Body at the submission deadline.
Under review: Applicants who are currently under review for other SFI Programmes are not eligible to apply to the SFI Public Service Fellowship.
Individuals Holding Existing Fellowship Awards: Specific criteria apply for individuals holding Fellowship awards

Funding: Fellowships can have a duration of between 6 and 12 months if full-time, and between 12 and 24 months if part-time. The maximum Public Service Fellowship award amount is €100,000 direct costs

Application Deadline: 5th October 2023, 13:00 Dublin Local Time

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

Background: The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and managed by the Council.

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is unique in the Irish research landscape and complements other channels for funded postgraduate education in the Irish ecosystem. Among its features are:

individual, prestigious awards for excellent research in the name of the applicant;
an objective selection process using international, independent expert peer review;
funding across all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology; and
awards for bottom-up, non-directed research, with the exception of those funded by our strategic funding partners.
Pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative, innovative approaches are welcomed. Proposals of an interdisciplinary nature are also encouraged as it is recognised that advancing fundamental understanding is achieved by integrating information, techniques, tools and perspectives from two or more disciplines.

Strategic funding partners

A number of government departments and agencies partner with the Irish Research Council to support the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme as a mechanism to deliver on shared national objectives. The Irish Research Council’s strategic funding partners for 2024 are:

Funding: The value of the scholarship will be up to a maximum of €28,000 per annum in any approved year and will consist of the following:

  • a stipend of €19,000 per annum;
  • a contribution to fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum; and
  • eligible direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum.

Deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 12 October 2023

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

Background: The Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and managed by the Irish Research Council.

This programme aims to support suitably qualified applicants to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at an eligible higher education institution in Ireland for either one or two years. Among its features are:

  • individual, prestigious awards for excellent research in the name of the applicant;
  • an objective selection process using international, independent expert peer review;
  • funding across all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology; and
  • awards for bottom-up, non-directed research.

Pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative, innovative approaches are welcomed. Proposals of an interdisciplinary nature are also encouraged as it is recognised that advancing fundamental understanding is achieved by integrating information, techniques, tools and perspectives from two or more disciplines.


  • a salary of €42,783 in the first year of the award and €43,371 in the second year of the award*;
  • employer’s PRSI contribution; and
  • eligible direct research expenses of €5,000 per annum.

Deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 12 October 2023


Funding Programme Project Institutes involved Researchers involved Project summary

The Walton Institute

DAFM, STIMULUS Dairy4beef Teagasc Donagh Berry  
DAFM, FIRMPLUS   Teagasc Andre Brodkorb Simple method of encapsulation for food
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship   Teagasc, NUIG Orla O’Sullivan Exploring Irish soil as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship CounterfactualPBI Teagasc Laurence Shalloo Counterfactual Decision-Making Support for Precision Agriculture
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship ColostroMilk Teagasc, UCD Tom O’Callaghan, Lorraine Brennan Examination of the factors affecting the composition, quality and vitality of bovine colostrum
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship Dairy-Beef integration Teagasc, UCD Stephen Butler Accelerating genetic gain and improving beef output from dairy herds
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship   Teagasc Rita Hickey Assessing the Seasonal, Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental parameters required for optimum production of Bovine Milk Oligosaccharides
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship FutureMilk Teagasc, UCC John Tobin, Alan Kelly Understanding current & future breeding & dietary strategies on the seasonality of Irish milk & their impact on the nutritional, functional & organoleptic properties of Irish dairy products
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship   Teagasc, WIT Norah OShea Development and integration of hygienic and novel processing sensors for detection and monitoring of macro and micro compositional constituents of incoming milk in a dairy plant
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship   Teagasc, UCD Michael Egan Influence of feeding strategy on both short term and long term on milk composition.
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship   Teagasc, UCC Deirdre Hennessy Grassland agronomy practices to increase the persistence of white clover in grazed pasture
Teagasc, Walsh Scholarship BIODAIRY Teagasc Olivia Mcauliffe Biotransformation of underutilised dairy residues to novel food additives and renewable products