International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics: Applications in Food and Agriculture

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Dear All,

VistaMilk SFI Research Centre would like to invite you to attend the inaugural “International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics: Applications in Food and Agriculture”.

This FREE 1.5 day online event will take place on the 28th and 29th of April and will include a full-day international masterclass featuring renowned world experts in this field. Day two will include a half-day interactive workshop.

This event has been designed with and for researchers, technicians, industry representatives and those with a general interest in the topic. Attendees should have a basic understanding of spectroscopy and it’s applications.

Masterclass (Day one)

The masterclass on day one aims to provide a broad view on the state of the art research in the framework of spectroscopy and chemometrics, covering relevant topics from an applied, statistical and methodological point of view. This first edition of the masterclass will be mainly devoted to applications and statistical tools used in food science and agriculture.

Workshop (Day two- half day)

The organising team have included a spectroscopy data set with which we invite participants to analyse and present their findings on day 2. Please register to receive the dataset via the following link or contact the academic lead Alessandro Casa The workshop will include presentations from those who have analysed the dataset provided by the organisers. A healthy, encouraging discussion around how groups worked with the data will follow. A small prize will be given for the best presentation.


We invite all participants to consider submitting a poster presentation for Day One. Posters will be in the format of a short 5 minute presentation (recorded in advance) which will be available both in advance and during the dedicated poster session on day one. Opportunities will be made available to interact with poster presenters thereafter. There will be a best poster prize.

Please click the image below to register and share among your network. 



Password: Spectroscopy21

Kindest regards,


On behalf of the organising committee led by Dr. Alessandro Casa and Maria Frizzarin


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